5 July 2022
As you remember, we recently completed the process of accepting applications to participate in the financial support project for the displaced families set up by the Save Children in Ukraine organization. Now we are gathering stories and feedback from the participants and want to share them with you.
This message of thanks is from Yulia, a displaced person from the Kharkiv city. Her family application was processed by Yulia Yakunina, a foundation verifier.
"I want to say many thanks to your project. Our life turned in such a way that we had to leave our home, our comfort and moveto another life, starting everything from scratch."
"Now we live in Dnipro, renting a house together with our children and dog (we take him with us). We work as much as we can. Children have graduated from the 1st and 5th grades (*grades of primary school in Ukraine)."
"I'm very grateful to the Giving Joy foundation and the Save the Children international organization for your help."
"We want to spend money we got from the project to buy blankets, pillows, kitchenware, as currently we use things lended from our neighbors and we'll have to return them."
"And surely we'll buy needed clothes and footwear for our children. Some money we'll save to make sure we have enough to pay the rent for upcoming months."
"I want to say it again, THANK YOU very much!"
Amazing people live in Ukraine, who even when they lost everything, do not give up but keep planning their life and can make a good use of money so that everybody in the family feels comfortable.
We are endlessly grateful to the Save the Children organization for giving us this chance to participate and together help displaced families in such hard times. Together we are strong!
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