17 June 2022
What can be better than people's feedback about our work? Only feedback provided with such excitement and gratitude as the one by Vita Shevchenko, who described the support her family received from the Save the Children in Ukraine organization in such a poetic way. It was Halyna Lohinova, the Giving Joy foundation verifier, who helped Vita to apply for the participation in the grant program.
Below is the full feedback by Vita.
"Life consists of contrasts... There are chasms and there are bridges. Chance to give and chance to steal. There is light and darkness, you and I... There is good and evil, heaven and hell. There is yes and no, for and against. Forgiveness and revenge. You choose!"
"Faithfulness - betrayal, courage - cowardness, love - hate, sincerity - hypocrisy, meannes, indifference - mercy, kindness, willingness to help... Each Ukrainian, who lost their loved ones this spring, who is far away from home now, is evaluating one more contrast of life: peace - war."
"War... The war of aggressive state of Russia against Ukraine in 2022 forced me, a mother of a little boy with special needs, not only to learn the great and healing support of people in the Ukrainian city of Slovyansk, Donetsk region, r̶e̶l̶a̶t̶i̶v̶e̶s̶,̶ t̶e̶a̶c̶h̶e̶r̶s̶,̶ d̶o̶c̶t̶o̶r̶s̶but also realize that there are lots of people willing to help all children suffering from the hard times, both in our country and abroad."
"Attentive volunteers of Dnipro advised me to see Mykhail Kostyantynovych Nesterenko, a family doctor from the Communal non-commercial entity 'Dniprovsky center of the first medical aid #4 of Dnipro city council'. It was an ordinary visit to a competent clinician, who helped to arrange formal documentation and provided health recommendations. Mykhail Kostyantynovych called that night as he saw an announcement by the Giving Joy foundation verificators, who represent the Save the children organization. The organization helps displaced families with children with special needs. The doctor told me that these people could possibly help us as well."
"Then there was a calm talk with Halyna, who asked us to send the documents for the board, who would approve the application. To tell the truth, it's always hard to ask for help, especially when you understand that there are so many other parents, who, after finding shelter in other city, cry about their children with special needs not being able to adapt and realize that there will not be the same conditions, toys, or food as before."
"In 2014, when enemies first ruined our house, my son was 8 months old, now he is 8 years old... It's almost impossible to explain where his bike is, why he cannot ride a scooter like other children, why he has to give up fresh juice and puree."
"The help from the Save the Children organization came suddenly, one silent morning, when I was cooking porridge for my Mykhailyk in the kitchen of the dormitory of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University."
"I thank the management and members of the Save the Children foreign foundation, verifiers of the Giving Joy foundation, and a special thanks to all Ukrainians, sincer, caring, conscious, sympathizing, brave individuals, who understand the desperation of parents of young Ukrainians with special needs and try to get support from reliable organizations and foundations, spread a word about smart, kind, but a bit different kids, evoke positive attitude, and most importantly - feel each of them with their heart."
"I thank everybody who helped and assisted. Everything will be Ukraine! With huge respect, Vita Shevchenko (city of Slovyansk, Donetsk region)."
We have dozens of such moving stories, and we plan to share them with you. You can also help displaced families via our Giving Joy foundation by making a donation. All funds go to set up shelters, buy social rations for families and stationery for kids animation. Here are the details:
Company details
БФ ДАРУЄМО РАДIСТЬ БО (Charity foundation "Giving Joy")
UA 49087, Днiпропетровська, м. Днiпро, вул Василя Макуха, б.127
Correspondent banks:
1) 001-1-000080
JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York, USA
2) 890-0085-754
The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA
БФ ДАРУЄМО РАДIСТЬ БО (Charity foundation "Giving Joy")
UA 093052990000026001050027079
Privatbank, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
UA 49087, Днiпропетровська, м. Днiпро, вул Василя Макуха, б.127
Correspondent banks:
Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany #givingjoyfoundation #savethechildren #overcomechildpovetry #savechildren #saveukraine #standwithukraine #savechildreninukraine #givingjoygrant #ukrainecharity #dniprocharity #childrenprotectionovercomingofchildpoverty